ONE 2.0 / ワン(ハートマークの移動)

ONE 2.0 / ワン(ハートマークの移動)
  • 在庫切れ









選ばれたカード(「ハート2」, もしく「ハート4」)の中央に,「観客のサイン」を書いてもらいます。









●専用ギミック一式 合計20回分(「ハート2」&「ハート4」)
















What people are saying: 


"Matthew has taken the anniversary waltz, the most classic of all the plots in card magic, and not just given it a new method, but he has given it a face-lift every worker will LOVE!" 


-Justin Miller 


"Didn't think anniversary waltz could have a substitute until I saw this effect. A perfect giveaway! I'll be having a lot of fun with this one!" 

- Alex Pandrea 


"What a truly astonishing moment for the unsuspecting participants - this is a perfect wedding/anniversary card trick which leaves them with an impossible object to remember you and your magic long after the event. I want it in my close-up case - send the first one to me!" 

- Nicholas Einhorn 


"Great! Love it! Awesome give-away and a perfect magic trick for a couple." 


- Bill Abbott 


"I can't imagine that this would fail to get strong reactions!" 


- Tom Stone 


"I really think this is a brilliant effect that leaves the spectators with an impossible souvenir. Thumbs up to the young creator!" 

- Alexander Kolle 


"Simple, effective and most of all, very commercial. I can see myself performing this routine for wedding close-up gigs, the perfect memento to give to the married couple. Very nice!" 

- Luca Volpe 


"A beautiful routine that will go straight into your act. Get this NOW!" 


- Kevin Schaller 


"Wait till you guys see the NEW handlings for this. It is a rare thing for me to perform other magician's effects, but ONE is definitely going in my real world repertoire!" 

- Justin Miller

