【洋書】The Herrmann Chronicles / ハーマン クロニクル by James Hamilton

【洋書】The Herrmann Chronicles / ハーマン クロニクル by James Hamilton
  • 在庫あり
  • お届け日数:5~8日














James Hamilton著による「Alexander Hermann」の研究書(英語洋書)です。


アレキサンダー ハーマン(1844-1896)は19世紀末アメリカの偉大なマジシャンです。





















James Hamilton was the world's foremost authority on the Herrmann dynasty of magicians. For over fifty years, he researched, collected, and emulated his idols. James Hamilton adored all the Herrmanns - Alexander, Adelaide, Compars, Samuel, Léon, and Felix. Hamilton's spirited lectures and stories were drawn from his "Herrmann Bible," a dog-eared volume of notes and information that formed the cornerstone of his highly anticipated book-in-progress, an ambitious multi-biography of all the Herrmanns.


Sadly, Hamilton passed away before completing his book. However, he left behind a significant partial manuscript exquisitely detailing the origins of the Herrmann family, as well as the life and career of Compars Herrmann.


James Hamilton's final wish was that his life's work be published and shared with the world. To that end, his friends and fellow Herrmann historians, David Haversat and Margaret Steele, have produced The Herrmann Chronicles, a compendium of James Hamilton's unpublished book manuscript, his lecture monographs, and selected images from his extensive Herrmann collection.


An important historical resource, The Herrmann Chronicles contains a vast amount of research published nowhere else. James's chatty, first-person voice speaks from the page as he enthusiastically explores Herrmanniana's nooks and crannies, including Alexander Herrmann's passion for horses and for smoking, Léon Herrmann's partnership with future Paramount Pictures founder Jesse L. Lasky, and Felix Herrmann's vicious feud with his Aunt Adelaide. Hamilton himself speaks from a bygone era, inhabited by friends such as Moi-Yo Miller, Channing Pollack, and Kirk Kirkham.


The Herrmann Chronicles is a "must have" for all magic historians and collectors. As the first-ever volume to include the entire Herrmann dynasty, The Herrmann Chronicles is a valuable information resource, as well as a loving tribute to the Herrmanns' greatest historian, James Hamilton.


Gilt stamped

First edition - 500 copies

Premium paper stock

Printed in the United States

Over 180 pages

Over 100 rare photographs and illustrations



ジェームズ・ハミルトンは、世界で最も権威あるハーマン家(Herrmann dynasty)のマジシャンたちの研究者でした。彼は50年以上にわたり、彼の憧れのハーマン一族を研究し、収集し、模倣してきました。アレクサンダー、アデレード、コンパース、サミュエル、レオン、フェリックスと、ハミルトンはすべてのハーマンたちを愛していました。彼の情熱あふれる講義や物語は、「ハーマン・バイブル」と呼ばれる使い古されたノートに基づいており、このノートは彼が執筆中だった多伝記の基礎となっていました。





  • ハードカバー
  • 金押し刻印
  • 初版 - 500部限定
  • 高級紙使用
  • アメリカ国内で印刷
  • 180ページ以上
  • 100点以上の希少な写真とイラスト
