The Transparency Template(トランスペアレンシー テンプレート) by Jonathan Royle

The Transparency Template(トランスペアレンシー テンプレート) by Jonathan Royle
  • 在庫あり
  • お届け日数:1-3日



DVD5枚,16時間以上に及ぶ催眠術の専門教材です (2010年リリース)


ジョナサン・ロイル氏とスペシャルゲスト陣(Robert Temple, Chris Lee, Stuart Cassels, Nick Davis)による濃密なレクチャーです。












The Transparency Template - The Revolutionary Guide for Hypnotists - Learn Safe, Legal, Ethical, Insured Comedy Stage Hypnotism, Street Hypnosis and Hypnotic "Hypno-Tricks" to combine with Your Magic & Mentalism Along with Rapid & Instant Speed Trance Inductions for Stage, Street & Clinical NLP Hypnotherapy Applications with Hypnotists Dr. Jonathan Royle, Robert Temple, Chris Lee, Nick Davies and Stuart Cassels 
「トランスペアレンシー テンプレート」は催眠術師のための画期的なガイドです。安全・合法的・倫理的に学ぶことができます。」

This is the DVD Training Set that THE EXPERTS have stated is the best available (by far) anywhere in the world when it comes to learning Stage & Street Hypnosis Techniques... 

Join the leading hypnotist Dr. Jonathan Royle and his special guest - Robert Temple, Chris Lee, Stuart Cassels & Nick Davies - as you discover the true inside secrets of Stage and Street Hypnotic Success. 

Whether you want to become a confident and competent Comedy Stage & Street Hypnotist, or simply wish to add some hypnosis to your existing Magic, Mentalism and Cold Reading performances, this unique DVD package is ideal for you. 

Learn 33 rapid, Instant Inductions, 12 Suggestibility Tests and everything that you'll ever need to know in order to be able to perform Legally, Lawfully, Ethically, & Safely, anywhere in the world, in a manner where you are fully Licensed and Insured. 

This unrivalled 5 Disk DVD package contains over 16 hours of Video and over 8 hours of Intensive Audio Training, along with numerous books, manuals and courses to ensure that you need never spend another penny on Hypnosis Training Materials ever again! 

BONUS TRAINING: You will also find within the final disk, private online access to Almost 60 Hours of Additional Bonus Training videos which not only go into great depth about elements such as Advertising, Publicity, Marketing & Promotion of your Shows, but also teach numerous other, until now jealously guarded Secrets of the Stage & Street Hypnotists. 

  • 33 Rapid & Instant Hypnotic Inductions.(33種の即効的な催眠誘導)
  • 12 Powerful Suggestibility Tests.(12種の被暗示性テスト)
  • Numerous Trance Deepening Approaches.(多数の深化法)
  • The Correct Way to Awaken People From Trance.(正しい覚醒方法)
  • Constructing the Perfect Pre-Talk.(プリ・トークの構成方法
  • The True Dangers of Stage & Street Hypnosis and How to Avoid Them.(ステージ催眠・ストリート催眠での危険事項と回避方法)
  • Using Props and Music to Maximum Effect in Your Hypnosis Shows.(小道具と音楽の効果を最大限に生かす方法)
  • The Way Hypnotists Sometimes Use Dual Reality Principles.(デュアル・リアリティの原理について)
  • How to Combine Hypnosis Skills with Your Magic & Mentalism.(催眠術とマジック・メンタリズムを組み合わせる方法)
  • How to perform a Complete 90 minute Show of apparent Hypnosis, using Hypno-Tricks, without ever needing to Hypnotise anybody - essential knowledge when nobody volunteers to be hypnotised.(催眠誘導がうまくいかなかった時に,ヒプノ-トリックでショーを行う方法)
  • Complete step by step Scripts and Routine Structures for both Family and Adult Style Performances to get you started immediately.(大人向けのショー,家族向けのショーそれぞれについての構成と口述)
  • Witness Several Live Show Performances by both Jonathan Royle and Robert Temple and see everything that you have learnt in action and brought to life on real stages for real audiences.(実際のライブ映像を観て学ぶ講習)
  • Perhaps most importantly you'll discover the dozens of things that can (and at some point will) go wrong during a Hypnosis Performance and then you are taught numerous ways to overcome and conquer these issues in the Safest and Most Entertaining manners possible.(パフォーマンス中に起こりうる数々の問題の克服方法)
  • Proven Ways to Earn Additional Income helping people to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Gain Confidence and Eliminate Phobias from their Life's!(禁煙やダイエットなどに実績のある催眠応用)
  • Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, Hypnosis Licensing, Laws Around the World & Insurance all Explained Comprehensively.(リスク等に関する包括的な説明)
  • The use of Professional Sound and Stage Lighting Strategies to maximise the response from your show and increase demand for it.(照明や音響を最大限ショーに生かす使用法)
  • Professional Stage Craft Secrets worth their weight in Gold to any performer, revealing how to get greater audience reactions, more applause and regular standing ovations.(「プロの演出構成」に関する非常に価値の高い秘密)
  • In Short you will be taught quite literally everything and we do mean everything that is needed to take even the complete Novice to Advanced Professional Standard with ease, and even the established Professional will learn many new Secrets, Ploys, Techniques and Strategies that will Massively increase their success as a Hypnotist.(初級者はもちろんのこと,プロフェッショナルにとっても新たに知る秘密が多くある内容です。)



