【洋書コミック】Hocus Pocus / ホーカス ポーカス(五つの超常世界)

【洋書コミック】Hocus Pocus / ホーカス ポーカス(五つの超常世界)
  • 在庫あり
  • お届け日数:1-3週間(取り寄せ品)
















マジシャンかつ科学者のリチャード ワイズマン教授がお届けする5つのマジック アドベンチャーです。



























全部で5つの魅力的な物語を楽しむことができ、マジックの歴史にまつわる、ほとんど聞いたことのないような要素が語られる。各作品はそれぞれ別のコミックとして出版され、アイズナー賞にノミネートされた。そして今回初めて、リチャードとチームのビジョンを完璧に捉えた、Vanishing Inc.ならではの見事なハードカバー本が発売される。


空中浮揚、読心術、予言、降霊術、幽霊の世界を巡る魅惑的な旅に飛び込もう。科学的発見と未知への探求にまつわる奇妙だが真実味のある物語は、一度読み始めたら止まらなくなり、ページをめくる目が釘付けになることだろう。ノストラダムスが予言の皇太子に上り詰めた話から、イギリスで最も幽霊の出る家という恐ろしい話、さらにはアレクサンダー "知る人ぞ知る "がいかにして知ることができたのか、という話まで。








One of the most exciting and refreshing explorations of the world of magic and mystery our community has ever seen.


Brought to you by Professor Richard Wiseman and Vanishing Inc., Hocus Pocus is a one-of-a-kind comic exploring the curious history and psychology of magic and the paranormal. You won't be able to stop turning the pages of this thrilling adventure brought to life by a wildly-talented group of comic artists and storytellers Rik Worth, Jordan Collver, and Owen Watts.


In total, you'll enjoy five tantalizing stories that will share elements of magic's history that you almost certainly have not heard before. Each one was originally published as a separate comic, earning nominations for the coveted Eisner award. Now, for the first time ever, they'll be available in one stunning hardback book that perfectly captures Richard and the team's vision in a way that only Vanishing Inc. could.


Dive deep into this captivating journey through the world of levitations, mind reading, prophecy, seances, and ghosts. These strange-but-true tales of scientific discovery and exploration of the unknown will have your eyes glued to the page, unable to stop reading once you start. This includes everything from Nostradamus' rise to the Crown Prince of prophecy to the dreaded tale of the most haunted house in England and even a look at how Alexander "The Man Who Knows" was able to...well, know.


Hocus Pocus is an interactive adventure. You don't just read it, you become part of it. As you move along, you'll discover a variety of secrets and working magic tricks hidden throughout its pages. This includes tests of your paranormal abilities, psychic readings, and more.


There has never been a showcase of the history of magic and the paranormal as intriguing and engaging as Hocus Pocus. This gorgeous hardbound book is a must on the shelf of any magician, mentalist, paranormalist, or enthusiast.

