SUC GenerationⅡ / 多機能 名刺入れ(改良版)

SUC GenerationⅡ / 多機能 名刺入れ(改良版)
  • 在庫あり
  • お届け日数:1-3週間(取り寄せ品)

















SUCⅡとは,Mark Strivings氏が開発したSight Unseen Case Ⅱ(改良版)のことです。


バナチェック氏など,世界中の現役メンタリストやマジシャン(後述)が使っている「多機能 名刺入れ」です。








































SUCⅡは元祖SUCに2つの収納ポケットを追加したことで, 非常に多くのことが可能になりました。































" of the very few devices I carry with me everywhere I go. And it's one of the essential gimmicks I recommend to all Mentalists."


- Bob Cassidy


" of the top ten creations ever for the working mentalist."


- Docc Hilford


"...simply the best. It has been with me on a daily basis. It has never left my side and never will."



- Garrett Thomas


"For walk around, there is not a more well designed tool. It is the ultimate wallet to use in combination with pocket writing."


- Banachek


"a masterpiece."


- Marc Spelmann


"One of the most useful items in my toolkit."


- Eric Mead


" 'go-to' peek wallet."


- Jeff McBride






"The Sight Unseen Case is among the best utility devices ever devised for mentalists. While it was primarily designed as a peek device, it is also perfect for pocket writing as well as stealing and loading folded billets. In fact, the latter is, in my opinion, the most powerful and subtle use of the device. It's a completely innocent-appearing business card case and is excellently made to last.

"The best testament I can give to the Sight Unseen Case is that it is one of the very few devices I carry with me everywhere I go. And it's one of the essential gimmicks I recommend to all mentalists."





- Bob Cassidy


"After all these years and so many other wallets and cases, I stand by my original statement... Sight Unseen Case is one of the top ten creations ever for the working mentalist.

"I've tried most of the other peek wallets that use Mark's original idea. Billfolds, secretary style and even other business card cases, but I always end up going back to Sight Unseen Case.

"Its compact size works better in a suit, it's a simple yet beautiful case and the quality is so high I'm still using the originals I got from Mark over 20 years ago!

"In my opinion as a professional mentalist who earns his living on stage and at the table, you can't beat the Sight Unseen Case."



- Docc Hilford


"I have used the Sight Unseen Case for the last 20 years. For all of that time I have performed 5-7 venues and shows a week 10-40 close up performances a day. Every group I've performed for I have pulled out the Sight Unseen Case, so the term 'time tested' is an understatement. This case has been to hell and back with me. I mention this to point out the quality. I am still using my first one. I have not yet needed to grab a backup case. It still looks as good as the day I got it.


"There have been many methods over the years to get needed information. I have experimented with many, but always something is lacking. They may have had great concept, but the quality is not there or batteries die out or the look of the tool has gone out of style.

"The simplicity of this method should not be overlooked. Yet, when I have tried other wallets and cases that use a similar method, they have fallen short for me. There is something about this particular size, look, and quality that make the Sight Unseen Case stand way out. I have never seen its match. Nothing has even come close.

"The Sight Unseen Case is simply the best. It has been with me on a daily basis. It has never left my side and never will."


"私は過去20年間、SUCを使用してきました。この間、私は週に5~7つの会場やショーに出演し、1日に10~40回のクロースアップ パフォーマンスを行ってきました。どのグループでもSUCを取り出して演じてきたので、"Time tested(時間をかけた実用テスト)"という言葉では控えめな表現になりますね。私は最初に買ったものをまだ使い続けています。長持ちしすぎて,予備のケースを買う必要がないのです。まだ買った時と同じ状態に見えます。


- Garrett Thomas



"I have owned many wallets through the years, many of them wonderful, but the Sight Unseen Case is the only wallet I have continuously used and still do use for close up walk around. Its size is perfect, its secret hidden. For walk around, there is not a more well-designed tool. It is the ultimate wallet to use in combination with pocket writing."

- Banachek


"Uncluttered, original and as brilliant today as it was over a decade ago. Mark's Sight Unseen Case was my first business card peek wallet. The simplicity and deceptiveness make it workable, reliable, and totally natural. It was and is a masterpiece."


- Marc Spelmann


"One of the most useful items in my toolkit. In fact, it lives in my pocket, and I rarely leave home without it."

- Eric Mead


"I've been working with the Sight Unseen Case for over 10 years. It is now my 'go-to' peek wallet."

"私は10年以上、SUCと一緒に仕事をしています。今では私の "お決まりの "ピークウォレットになっています。"
- Jeff McBride


"I am going to be immodest. The Sight Unseen Case is THE most versatile, most devious, most innocent looking gaffed business card case ever created. Its stunning simplicity simply cannot be beaten for sheer function and ease of working. There is quite literally no end to what you can do with it. It's like having a toolkit in your shirt pocket. All this, and it is still the most natural-looking device of its kind ever. There will never be an equal.

"The Sight Unseen Case is one of the top ten inventions ever created for the mentalist."



- Docc Hilford, author, creator, and psychic entertainer


"this top-quality item is something I'll use myself."


- Lee Earle, Syzygy



"Mark Strivings's Sight Unseen Case is a 'must have'."

- John Riggs, author, and psychic entertainer.


- John Riggs, author, and psychic entertainer
