The Surprise / サプライズ(超絶ACAAN)by Think Nguyen

The Surprise / サプライズ(超絶ACAAN)by Think Nguyen
  • 在庫あり
  • お届け日数:1-3日









カール ハイン氏やハラパン オング氏ら,名だたる熟達者が絶賛する怪物作です。








エニーカード at エニーナンバー系の究極形です。借りたデックを自由にシャッフルしてもらいます。












  • ノーギミック
  • 磁石不要
  • 難しいスライハンド不要
  • 工作不要
  • スタック(配列)不要,記憶作業 不要
  • 何も付け加えず,取り去らず





"The Surprise is a solid effect and provides great techniques that can be applied to many other effects."


- Karl Hein




"Well, after watching this trick, I've come to the conclusion that either Think sold his soul to the devil, or Think IS the devil."


- Harapan Ong



"Fooled me so badly!!! I'd perform this to others just to entertain myself!"


- Zee J. Yan



"I'm on my way to the store to pick up some new jeans because this fooled the pants off me!"


- Richard Sanders



"The perfect trick for those late-night magic jams. A real fooler!"


- Benzi Train




"A well-constructed effect with three powerful revelations that will have your volunteers scratching their heads for a long time!"


- Bryan Miles



"No way that is possible! This is absolutely gorgeous, so clean and fair that I already watched ten times and I got fooled every single one of them."


- Daniel Prado




''One of the greatest creators/performers of strong modern card magic.''


- Ollie Mealing




"Think is too humble in calling his creations card magic, when really they categorise as card wizardry."


- Timon Krause







